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About Us

National Scientific Infrastructure "Energy Storage and Hydrogen Energy" (ESHER)


The objective of NSI ESHER is to set up a national center bringing together the existing scientific expertise in the field of innovative highly effective “green technologies” aimed at a “Decarbonized Europe”. The structure of NSI provides a unique opportunity to integrate the interdisciplinary research at the national level, more specifically to establish a "Bulgarian Research Area" as part of the areas of innovative science and applied research. This integration should have a positive impact on the process of cooperation with foreign partners.

Strategic goals

The strategic goals of NSI ESHER cover two of the priority areas for the development of science in Bulgaria by 2020: energy, energy efficiency and transport. The goal is to develop green and eco-friendly technologies. These correlate with the directions for development of applied research in Bulgaria in accordance with the National Strategy for priority research through 2017 - 2030: Contemporary energy sources and energy efficient technologies; Mechatronics and Clean Technologies; Monitoring and safeguarding the environment; Utilization of raw materials and bio-resources; Purification and non-waste technologies.
The infrastructure subject concerns are:

  • An effective utilization of the natural resources to reduce the carbon emissions through the development of non-carbon technologies: the accumulation and conversion of energy (electrical and thermal) from renewable energy sources and its utilization in the transport sector, industry and households; the production of hydrogen as an energy carrier from water and bio-fuels (including waste);
  • Increasing the efficiency and competitiveness of the energy sector of the Bulgarian economy in the field of innovative highly effective “green technologies”, combining the creation of a stimulating environment for innovation and scientific products by concentrating and enhancing the competence and knowledge of the human resource.

Specific objectives

The specific objectives of NSI ESHER are:

  • Integrating and improving the quality and effectiveness of science research by coupling the research activities with the development and / or needs of industry in the fields of energy conservation and hydrogen storage;
  • Building a modern infrastructure, unique for Bulgaria and the Region, thematically integrating the interdisciplinary research activities at the national level;
  • Training of highly qualified specialists;
  • Promoting national and international cooperation through the development of joint research projects and integration with other European science research structures.

Main priorities

The principal priorities in building the infrastructure are aimed at the creation of a national center of expertise, that will benefit the public through its specific activities and expertise in the field of innovative technologies for the storage of energy generated by Renewable Energy Sources (RES) and for the effective use of RES-energy by conversion in the household, transport and industry, as well as by accelerating the introduction of innovative low carbon technologies in the daily habitat of Bulgarians.

General priorities

The general priorities as regards the building, construction and operation of the NSI ESHER are directly linked to specific priorities aimed at overcoming some of the existing barriers by setting-up the necessary organizational structure:

  • Overcoming fragmentation;
  • Improving the effectiveness and access to a distributed structure;
  • Completeness;
  • Public-private partnership.


Our mission is what motivates us to move forward and pursue our goals.

Science program

The science program of NSI ESHER is directed towards:

  • Ensuring the construction of a modern thematically oriented structure unique to Bulgaria and the Region;
  • The invigoration of industry, including participation in European and company demonstration projects;
  • Removal of the legislative barriers (most often by the creation of a legislative base);
  • Preparing the public for the introduction of new technologies for the storage and utilization of energy generated by RES.

NSI ESHER combines the scientific knowledge and expertise of a fundamental with, that of an applied character. Its activities are focused on two important sectors – electric vehicles and energy storage from renewable energy sources.


NSI ESHER is structured as a distributed, flexible national structure with opportunities for self-development that outline activities over a wide time span (up to 2050). Its subject matter requires an approach as outlined, given the European forecast periods – as they stand currently 2020, 2030, 2050. The partners are selected in accordance with their competence in combination with the critical amount of funding that can lead to the realization of this competence in the activities of the as envisaged infrastructure. NSI was established on the basis of 11 existing laboratories with their current infrastructure, the creation of which led to:

  • Overcoming the thematic fragmentation and setting-up networking facilities to utilize the material base and human resources;
  • Increasing the number of joint participants in contracts, the organization of conferences and other scientific forums;
  • Initiating interaction and cooperation with any company part of the Science Infrastructure. Organization of discussion meetings and information days is established. A growing interest on the part of companies in adopting new hydrogen technologies has arisen;
  • Activation of participation in European structures (FCH JU, EERA), that greatly enhances the capacity of the infrastructure and increases its visibility at the European level.

Due to the activities at NSI ESHER, Bulgaria is placed among the group of countries that are expected to rapidly adopt hydrogen technologies during the next 4 years. Our country (with the BAS as contractor) is working on a European project to analyze the administrative barriers to the commercialization of these technologies.