National Scientific Infrastructure ENERGY STORAGE AND HYDROGEN ENERGETICS General Assembly (NSI-ESHER) is comprised of several partner institutions - independent legal entities with distributed activities by geographical location. Significant financial resources are spent to develop and modernize the extant management structure, its design and ability to govern, to build and maintain novel and unconventional equipment, to establish a unitary communication and information system, to develop joint educational programs.
The management structure at NSI-ESHER was established in conjunction with the above philosophy. The principle aim is to successfully coordinate the day to day activities in accordance with the established work program, helping to build the material base and unitary science policies, short term and long term strategy, updating the business plan following the synchronization of all programs. The governance structure and coordination has been approved in view of the current partnership agreement in accordance with the following structure:
Subsidiary body for coordination and implementation part of the EB:
Advisory body of NSI-ESHER:
The General Assembly (GA) is the supreme body that manages and coordinates the activities at NSI-ESHER. These include the members of the Executive Board (EB), the members of the Board of Directors (BD) and the heads of the partner organizations or their representatives. A partner organization representative can also be a member of the GA by law.
The GA has the following functions:
Decisions are made by consensus. A clear vote with a simple majority of those present is required. Meetings of the General Assembly are convened at least 2 times annually and are chaired by the President of the Executive Board.
The Executive Board (EB) manages and coordinates the day to day activities at NSI-ESHER. It is managed by a President (project coordinator). He / she works together with 3 Vice Presidents responsible for: (I) Technical Management (Modernization of the Existing Facilities, Technical Design, Construction and Management of the New Laboratories and Facilities, (II) Administrative Management (Organization of Public Procurement and other specific activities that the managerial staff is responsible for), (III) Knowledge Management (scientific and applied research of the EB, including for external investigators, education, qualification enhancement including e-learning and the dissemination of knowledge). Included in the EB are the three heads of the infrastructure modules and Transversal Communication Menager responsible for the Industrial Relations.
The Executive Board includes:
The Executive Board has the following functions:
The Board of Directors (BD) (СР) is an operational and flexible implementation structure that is a direct support to the Executive Board (EB). It is comprised of permanent and impermanent staff members that directly manage specific tasks. The managers of the 3 Modules and structural units that are a part of these modules are permanent staff. The managers of the 3 modules are members of the EB. This partial overlap provides expedient communication with the executive structure.
The impermanent staff includes managers of interim tasks, after the execution of which the respective position in the BD is closed, which provides flexible efficiency. All decisions as regards the composition of the BD are taken by the EB.
The BD includes:
The Advisory Board plays an important role in defining the long-term scientific, innovative and business strategy of NSI - ESHER. The Advisory Board consists of external experts (foreign and Bulgarian scientists and businessmen), representatives of research institutes and companies with whom NSI - ESHER has joint project activity or other forms of cooperation and / or interests. The policy of NSI – ESHER is aimed at ensuring the presence of leading European research organizations and companies as well as of Bulgarian companies and institutions, thus enhancing the scientific infrastructure as a national, recognizable and functioning center of expertise.
Advisory Board membres
Foreign members
1. Olaf Jedicke, Institute for Nuclear and Energy Technologies, Germany
2. Salvatore Freni, CNR-ITAE, Italy
3. Andreas Friedrich, DLR, Германия.
4. Plamen Atanassov, University of California, Irvine, USA
Bulgarian members
5. Konstantin Nenov, Solarpro Holding AD
6. Rumen Radev, Holding Zagora
7. Peter Georgiev, Samel 90 AD
Antonia Stoyanova is currently working as a Professor at the Institute of Electrochemistry and Energy Systems, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria and from 2014 she heads a department “Nanoscale Materials” at the same institute. She received her Ph.D. in the Department of Physical Chemistry, University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, Sofia, 1994. She has specialized at the University of Bonn in Germany and the University of Hull, UK. Her current research is focused in field of electrochemical power sources: supercapacitors, alkaline batteries, PEM Hydrogen Energy Conversion. She also has experience in the field of electrocatalysis and electrochemical materials science, quantum-chemical calculations, corrosion inhibitors.
He is a member of the Academic Council of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, the National Center for Nanotechnology at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, the International Electrochemical Society and the Bulgarian Electrochemical Society.
Radostina Stoyanova is a Professor on Solid State Chemistry at the Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry to the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. She is a head of the department on Intermetallic and Intercalation Materials. Her expertise concerns intercalation chemistry with a focus on lithium/sodium transition metal oxides, sulfates and phosphates having reversible Li+ and Na+ intercalation properties and electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy as a tool to assess their local structure during ion intercalation. Starting from 1993, these studies are carrying out in a close collaboration with research groups from Universidad de Córdoba (Spain), ICMCB-Bordeaux (France), LNCMI-Grenoble (France) and Universität Bayreuth (Germany).
Winner of the prestigious award Pythagoras for an acknowledged scientist in the field of natural and engineering sciences for 2018. Member in Royal Society of Chemistry (фром 2015), International Electrochemical Society (from 2010) and Bulgarian Catysis Club and others.