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Management Structure

Management Structure of SI ESHE

Management Structure

National Scientific Infrastructure ENERGY STORAGE AND HYDROGEN ENERGETICS General Assembly (NSI-ESHER) is comprised of several partner institutions - independent legal entities with distributed activities by geographical location. Significant financial resources are spent to develop and modernize the extant management structure, its design and ability to govern, to build and maintain novel and unconventional equipment, to establish a unitary communication and information system, to develop joint educational programs.

The management structure at NSI-ESHER was established in conjunction with the above philosophy. The principle aim is to successfully coordinate the day to day activities in accordance with the established work program, helping to build the material base and unitary science policies, short term and long term strategy, updating the business plan following the synchronization of all programs. The governance structure and coordination has been approved in view of the current partnership agreement in accordance with the following structure:


  • General Assembly (GA)
  • Executive Board (EB)

Subsidiary body for coordination and implementation part of the EB:

  • Board of directors (BD)

Advisory body of NSI-ESHER:

  • Advisory board (AB)