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Information about ESHER Services and Access Conditions

General Terms

ESHER is an infrastructure open to external users from industry, academia, business, institutions and individuals from Bulgaria and foreign countries. At this stage of its development, ESHER provides the following services, which are carried out in the two integrated laboratories Research and testing of battery for energy storage and Hydrogen energy with RES: (i) standard services; (ii) complex services - project developments that can combine different standard services within the relevant project proposal and (iii) consultation and training.

ESHER offers open access to 84 equipment units split in two main directions:

  • Batteries Research and Testing
  • Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Production/Storage

The Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Production/Storage direction is additionally divided to:

  • PEM fuel cells/electrolyzers
  • SOFS fuel cells/electrolyzers
  • BIO fuel cells/electrolyzers
  • OTHER methods for H2 production/storage

For every direction and sub-direction the user can select between:

  • Synthesis
  • Testing
  • Characterization

The applications for "Complex Services" are considered and accepted by a committee consisting of:

Chairman: Assoc. Prof. Eli Grigorova, Ph.D


1. Prof. Branimir Banov

2. Assoc. Prof. Maxim Ganchev

Categories of Application Forms

1. Standard Application Form – application for single or for a series of services

2. Complex Application Form - Project proposal.

How to Apply

For asses to the equipment an Application form, specifying the type of service, should be submitted in advance.

The Standard Application form should be submitted on-line to the corresponding Laboratory Person in Charge. Within 5 working days, the applicant will receive an answer for the service opportunities, deadlines etc.

The Complex Application form should be submitted on-line to the Chairman of the Peer Review Board, which considers the proposal and within 10 working days an e-mail should be sent to the applicant. In case of acceptance the information includes: the contact person for further negotiations and contractual conditions (financial, timing, etc.). After acceptance of the conditions from both sides, a contract between the two Parties (Proposer and ESHER) is signed.

Who Can Apply

External Users (outside ESHER Consortium): The conditions and full costs are justified after approval of the Application. For approved Complex Service a contract between ESHER and the Applicant is signed.

Internal Users (Members of ESHER Consortium): the consortium members pay only for the service consumables.

The Users should clearly acknowledge the contribution of ESHER in any presentation or use of data resulting from research carried out in ESHER (i.e. publication, presentation, etc.) using the text below|:

This work (part of the work) was carried out in the Scientific Infrastructure Energy Storage and Hydrogen Energetics included in the National Roadmap for Research Infrastructures (2017-2023) and supported by the Bulgarian Ministry of Education and Science (Grant agreement D01-160/28.08.18)

In case of User’s proprietary work, the results will be kept strictly confidential following the IPR rules.

  • All sections of the Application Form should be completed.
  • Please, check the detailed description of the available equipment on ESHER web site. Mark the requested installations in the Application form.
  • Applications will be sent to the Person in Charge of the requested Laboratory as well as to other units with similar equipment. Within 24 hours, you will receive an automatic confirmation for succesful submition of your Application form.
  • We highly recommend you to contact the Person(s) in Charge of the Laboratory relevant to your work prior to the submission of the Application Form for technical assistance.


Contact details of the Persons in Charge of ESHER Laboratories are given in the corresponding webpage.