Synthesis of inorganic materials with determined composition and structure by different methods and using different techniques of high temperature and chemical ("wet") synthesis. Determination of basic physical and chemical parameters of the material
Group Services:
Batteries Research and Testing Complex services
Price: n/a
Thin films of inorganic and hybrid materials deposited on media of different material and type (flat and flexible) and characterization of the obtained layers.
Group Services:
Batteries Research and Testing Complex services
Price: n/a
Processing, presentation and interpretation of the obtained results - charge-discharge curves from galvanostatic and potentiodynamic studies, specific current capacity, efficiency, capacity and / or energy density preservation represented as a function of number of cycles made, calculation of the specific current capacity from cyclic voltamperometry.
Group Services:
Batteries Research and Testing Complex services
Price: n/a
Development of methodologies for specific tests, tests performing at special conditions and long-term tests.
Group Services:
Batteries Research and Testing Complex services
Price: n/a
Analysis of the results from laboratory tests or external results by conventional and advanced electrochemical methods - impedance and dielectric spectroscopy, non-stationary and differential analysis, differential resistance analysis, imaging diagnostics, etc.
Group Services:
Batteries Research and Testing Complex services